Hymn Wall Art I Will Sing of My Redeemer Hymn
Sermons on Hymn Singing
AUTUMN CONF 2021 – 45 minutes of singing from the 2021 conference meetings: "Trust and Obey"; "Jesus Shall Reign"; "I Will Sing of My Redeemer"; "And Can It Be?"; "We Rest on Thee"; "And Tin It Exist?"; "Amazing Grace"; "Crown Him With Many Crowns"; "Channels Only"; "How Slap-up Grand Art"; "The Day Thou Gavest"; "When I Survey"; "There is Coming a Day"; "College Ground" (File size: 21.34mb)
Bask some hymn singing from various annual conferences held in the Gospel Hall, Stark Route, Livonia, Michican, The states (srgh.org). Hymns included are: "Years I spent in vanity and pride"; "Christ the Saviour of sinners came"; "Naught either great or small"; "Would yous be costless from your burden of sin?"; "Jesus is our Shepherd"; "Lord Jesus I dearest Thee"; "Simply trusting every solar day"; "Sovereign grace o'er sin abounding"; "O dear that wilt not let me go"; "O the deep deep honey…
Larne Conference hymn singing from September 1985. Hymns featured: "How bright that blessed promise"; "Ransomed saints your voices enhance"; "Awake and sing the vocal"; "Praise the Saviour ye who know Him"; "The Lord'due south our rock in Him we hibernate"; "There is a fold where none tin devious"; "Rise my soul, thy God directs thee"; "Into a tent where a gypsy boy lay"; "Anywhere with Jesus I tin can safely go"; "Rescue the perishing"; "To God be the glory"; "Passing onward rapidly…
A collection of hymns from the Coleraine Gospel Meetings held in the twelvemonth 2000. Hymns featured: "O blessed God how kind"; "Lord Jesus Yard who only fine art"; "From Arab republic of egypt lately come"; "Hark 'tis the watchman'due south cry"; "O Jesus, O Jesus, how vast Thy beloved to me"; "The cross of Christ what untold beloved"; "Allow us sing, let us sing, of the Lord of the Lord"; "Jesus once was dead, now liveth"; "When the Saviour said "tis finished'"; "Down from the…
1,000 voices singing in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, at the Easter Briefing in 1990. Hymns: "Praise the peerless name of Jesus"; "Lord Jesus Thou who only fine art"; "Lord Jesus what grace practice I see in Thy face"; "I am waiting for the dawning"; "On His Father's throne is seated"; "Saviour through the desert lead us"; "O Lord of sky and world and sea"; "He leadeth me O blessed thought"; "There is a name I dearest to hear"; "I am waiting…
PART 2 of 2 – Hymn singing from gospel meetings in Chapman's Store, nigh Portadown, Northern Ireland, in 1997. Hymns included are: "Where will you spend eternity?"; "Life at best is very brief"; "We love to sing of the Lord who died"; "Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?"; "O come sinner come"; "Just equally I am without one plea"; "Among the ransomed glad and fair"; "How wondrous a Saviour is God'south blest Son"; "I've a soul to…
PART 1 of 2 – Hymn singing from gospel meetings in Chapman's Shop, near Portadown, Northern Ireland, in 1997. 800 voices combine to sing the following hymns: "Downwards from the glory the Saviour came"; "Information technology is skilful to exist hither"; "Redeemed how I love to proclaim it"; "There's a voice that is calling to thee"; "Are you weary and sad neath the burden of sin?"; "He'll come and tarry not"; "Past faith in a glorified Christ on the throne"; "There'southward…
25 minutes of mainly gospel hymn singing from the Toronto Easter Conference 1991, including one or more verses of "God in Mercy Sent His Son", "God Loved the World of Sinners Lost", "Interruption Thou the Bread of Life", "Great God of Wonders All Thy Ways", "I am Waiting for the Dawning", "To God be the Glory", "The Perfect Righteousness of God", "Years I Spent in Vanity and Pride", "Look to the Saviour on Calvary'southward Tree", and "God is Calling the…
nineteen minutes of gospel hymn singing from the Toronto Easter Conference 1989, including 1 or more than verses of "But as I am", "I will sing of my Redeemer", "At the Cross", "Out of my bondage, sorrow and dark", "He'll come up and tarry not", "There's a story always new", "By organized religion in a glorified Christ", "I'm praying for you lot", and "One at that place is who loves thee". File size: 13.2mb (The above photo is from the 2018 Toronto Easter Briefing) Here is…
Easter Conference Hymn Selections (Part 2) 14 more hymns from our annual Easter Conference meetings selected from the years 2015-2019. Hymns included are: At that place is a land of pure delight (Never thirst again) I know not when but this I know (I shall run into his confront) My Redeemer O what beauties God holds the cardinal of all unknown Smashing God of wonders (Who is a pardoning God like Thee?) When I shall wake in that off-white morning time of morns (I…
Easter Conference Hymn Selections (Part ane) 12 hymns from our annual Easter Briefing meetings selected from the years 2015-2019. Hymns included are: I am so glad that our Father in sky (Jesus loves me) When I survey the wondrous cantankerous O joy of the justified Jesus lover of my soul In the land of fadeless solar day O child of God there is for thee (He'll come and tarry not) Glory to Thee Yard Son of God most high Dying with…
80 minutes of hymn singing from the John Dennison ministry weekend in February 2020. Hymns: "When We Walk With The Lord", "What A Fellowship", "Gathered to Thy Name Lord Jesus", "Human of Sorrows", "Worthy Worthy Worthy", "How Keen Thou Art", "Great is Thy Faithfulness", "Praise the Saviour", "In Thy Name O Lord Assembling", "Fairest of All The Globe Beside", "Behold The Lamb with Celebrity Crowned", "Crown Him With Many Crowns", "O Lord Who Now Fine art Seated", "I'm Pressing on the…
EASTER CONF 2019 – If you would like to take all 40 hymns sung at the Bicester Easter Conference 2019 as individual files (rather than every bit collections) you can click the link below. This will give you a compressed zip file, 136.8mb in size. There are no new hymns in this file. The four singing collections from Easter 2019 have simply been split up for people who would similar to have them individually on their devices. DOWNLOAD – Zip file…
EASTER CONF 2019 (Part iv of 4) – 31 minutes of singing from the Monday night hymn-sing at the 2019 briefing meetings: "Tell Me The Story of Jesus"; "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say"; "'Twas Dear That Sought Gethsemane"; "Eternal Lite, Eternal Lite"; "I Stand up All Amazed At The Love Jesus Offers Me"; "Moment by Moment"; "And Is It So We Shall Be Similar Thy Son?"; "God Holds the Key of All Unknown"; "O Christ in Thee My Soul…
EASTER CONF 2019 (Part iii of 4) – 44 minutes of singing from the 2019 conference meetings: "Christ the Saviour of Sinners Came"; "God in Mercy Sent His Son"; "In that location is a Fountain Filled with Blood"; "Regal Sugariness Sits Enthroned"; "What a Friend We Accept in Jesus"; "I Take Been At The Altar"; "O For a Grand Tongues to Sing"; "I am Then Glad that Our Father in Heaven": "How Bang-up Thou Fine art"; "By Faith I Look Where Christ Has…
EASTER CONF 2019 (Office 2 of iv) – 27 minutes of singing from the 2019 conference meetings: "Praise the Saviour Ye Who Know Him"; "Worthy, Worthy Worthy"; "Thy Grace O Lord That Measured In one case the Deep"; "My Lord Has Garments Then Wondrous Fine"; "We Shall See His Lovely Face"; "When I Shall Wake in That Fair Morn of Morns"; "The Perfect Righteousness of God"; "O Joy of The Justified" (File size: 38.81mb)
EASTER CONF 2019 (Function 1 of 4) – 19 minutes of singing from the 2019 conference meetings: "Fairest of All the Earth Beside"; "And Did The Holy And The Only"; "Immortal Invisible God Only Wise"; "Hail Thou One time Despised Jesus"; "Revive Thy Work O Lord"; "Sugariness Hour of Prayer" (File size: 36.68mb)
EASTER CONF 2018 (Function 3 of 3) – 52 minutes of singing from the 2018 conference meetings: "Come Allow Usa Sing the Song of Songs"; "Without a Trace of Adam's Sin"; "The Saviour Comes No Outward Pomp"; "Hither Is Love Vast every bit the Body of water"; "My Promise is Built on Null Less"; "Come Ye That Love The Lord"; "Saviour Through the Desert Lead United states"; "Behold the Lamb with Glory Crowned"; "I Have a Friend a Precious Friend"; "Revive Thy Work O…
EASTER CONF 2018 (Office ii of 3) – 52 minutes of singing from the 2018 conference meetings: "Master Speak Thy Servant Heareth"; "Trust and Obey"; "O How Happy Are They"; "Take Time to Exist Holy"; "How Great Thou Art"; "Nailed to a Cross Those Holy Easily"; "In that location is a Proper name I Beloved to Hear"; "O Wonderful Wonderful Give-and-take"; "He'll Come and Tarry Not"; "The Crowning Day is Coming"; "It May Be at Morn"; "Come is the Sweet Invitation of Grace";…
EASTER CONF 2018 (Part 1 of three) – 34 minutes of singing from the Monday subsequently-briefing hymn-sing: "O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing"; "My Redeemer! O What Beauties"; "I Am Then Glad"; "O Listen to Our Wondrous Story"; "Deep and Wide"; "Amazing Grace"; "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"; "God Holds the Key to All Unknown"; "I Will Sing the Wondrous Story"; "There Is Coming a Mean solar day"; "I heard the Vox of Jesus Say"; "We Shall See His Lovely…
After our 2018 Easter briefing, during supper preparations, a few hymns were sung. Here'southward a rendition of "O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing" by Charles Wesley. O for a m tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise, The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace! Jesus! The Proper noun that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease; 'Tis music in the sinner'due south ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. He breaks the power of canceled…
After our 2018 Easter briefing, during supper preparations, a few hymns were sung. Here's a rendition of "My Redeemer O What Beauties" to the melody "Grace", sung equally a round. My Redeemer! O what beauties In that lovely Name appear; None but Jesus, in His glories, Shall the honoured championship wear. My Redeemer! Thou hast my salvation wrought. Sunk in ruin, sin, and misery, Bound by Satan'south convict chain, Guided by his aesthetic treachery, Hurrying on to endless pain; My…
EASTER CONF 2017 (Part three of three) – 36 minutes of singing from the Easter Monday meetings: "Smashing is Thy Faithfulness"; "Jesus the Very Thought of Thee"; "I am Thine O Lord"; "Lord to Thee My Center Ascending"; "He Leadeth me"; "I Am So Glad that Our Father in Heaven"; "I Serve a Risen Saviour"; "Crown Him With Many Crowns; "Praise My Soul the Rex of Heaven"; "Will Your Anchor Concur?"; "O Wonderful Wonderful Word of the Lord" (File size:…
EASTER CONF 2017 (Part 2 of 3) – 37 minutes of singing from the Easter Sunday meetings: "Blessed Balls"; "I Know not Why God's Wondrous Grace"; "I Gave My Life for Thee"; "I Honey to Tell the Story"; "Come Every Soul Past Sin Oppressed"; "Years I Spent in Vanity and Pride"; "Accept You Thought of the Smashing Judgement Twenty-four hour period?"; "My Redeemer O What Beauties"; "I Heard the Vocalisation of Jesus Say"; "At that place is a Country of Pure Delight"; "The Sweetness…
EASTER CONF 2017 (Office 1 of 3) – 23 minutes of singing from the after-conference hymn-sing: "Lord Jesus I Love Thee"; "O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing"; "O For a Outburst of Holy Song"; "Sing to God My Spirit Sing"; "Deep and Wide"; "O For a Closer Walk with God"; "Years I Spent in Vanity and Pride"; "The Saviour Comes No Outward Pomp"; "We Shall See His Lovely Face"; "The Holy Stranger on the Hill"; "Among the Ransomed Glad…
EASTER CONF 2016 (Role 5 of 5) – 31 minutes of singing from the afterwards-conference hymn-sing: "Nosotros're Marching to Zion", "And Is It So We Shall Be Like Thy Son?", "How Great G Art", "It'south All Taken Away", "I've Constitute A Friend in Jesus", "We'll All Assemble Home in the Morning time", "From Sinking Sand He Lifted Me", "Jesus Is Continuing In Pilate's Hall", "It Passeth Knowledge That Dear Dearest of Thine", "They Nailed My Lord Upon The Tree", "Some Golden…
EASTER CONF 2016 (Part four of v) – 35 minutes of singing from the Monday afternoon and evening Conference sessions: "Years I Spent in Vanity and Pride", "My Soul Is Now United to Christ the Living Vine", "All Hail the Ability of Jesus Proper noun", "Blessed Be God Our God", "Gathered to Thy Name Lord Jesus", "Take My Life and Allow It Be", "O Wonderful Wonderful Give-and-take the Lord", "A Glory Gilds the Sacred Page", "I Have Seen the Cross of…
EASTER CONF 2016 (Part 3 of 5) – 23 minutes of singing from the gospel coming together and the ministry meeting: "The Lamb of God for Sinners Died", "O For a 1000 Tongues to Sing", "O What Volition Y'all Do With Jesus", "Hail Sovereign Love That First Began", "Monarch of the Smitten Cheek", "The Saviour Comes No Outward Pomp", "I Know Not When But This I Know" and "Lord Jesus, I Dearest Thee, I Know Chiliad Art Mine" (Click here for…
EASTER CONF 2016 (Part 2 of 5) – 25 minutes of singing from the breaking of bread and the Bible Reading: "To Thee His God We Bring – Remembering", "Praise Appreciative Worship Adoring", "Celebrity to Thee Thou Son of God About High", "Hark ten,000 Voices Crying", "Blessed Balls", "To God Exist The Celebrity", "Celebrity Celebrity Everlasting", "My Residuum Is In Heaven" (File size: 24.21mb)
EASTER CONF 2016 (Part 1 of v) – 26 minutes of singing from the Saturday night meeting: "My God I Have Found the Thrice Blessed Ground", "There's A Colina Alone and Grey", "I Have Been at the Chantry and Witnessed the Lamb", "Concur Thou my Paw", "O Lamb of God However Go along Me", "All for Jesus All for Jesus" (File size: 24.39mb)
EASTER CONF 2015 (Part four of 4) – 21 minutes of singing from the later conference Hymn Sing;"At that place's Null Similar The Onetime Sometime Story", "There'south a Sweetness and Blest Story", "Through My Hand No Nail Is Driven", "Satisfied With Thee Lord Jesus", "Would Yous Be Gratuitous From Your Burden of Sin", "O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing", "My Lord Has Garments So Wondrous Fine", "All Hail The Power of Jesus'due south Name", "We Residual On Thee", "O Heed to Our…
EASTER CONF 2015 (Part of 3 of 4) – 38 minutes of singing from the Easter Weekend Conference; "My Soul is At present United", "Faith is a Very Unproblematic Thing", "Jesus I My Cantankerous Have Taken", "Looking Off Unto Jesus", "O Sweet Is The Story of Jesus", "It Pleased the Lord to Bruise His Only Son", "I See The Burden of My Sin", "I Will Sing of My Redeemer", "Loved With Everlasting Dearest", "Lamb of God Our Souls Adore Thee" (File size: 26.6mb)
EASTER CONF 2015 (Part 2 of 4) – 31 minutes of singing from the Easter Weekend Conference; "Lord When I Think Upon The Love", "It Was Alone the Saviour Prayed", "Jesus Source of Life Eternal", "O The Deep Deep Dear Of Jesus", "Jesus Go along Me Virtually The Cross", "In that location is No Name So Sweet On World", "With Christ Our Theme Begins", "This Cleaved Bread and Poured Out Wine", "When I Survey The Wondrous Cross" (Tune: Myfanwy), "Worthy of Homage and of…
EASTER CONF 2015 (Part 1 of iv) – 46 minutes of singing from the Easter Monday Conference; "Who Can Cheer the Heart Like Jesus?", "Thou Life of My Life Blessed Saviour", "Rise My Soul Behold 'Tis Jesus", "Awake and Sing The Song", "Awake My Soul With Blithesome Lays", "I am Thine O Lord", "Be Still My Soul", "I Am Then Glad That Our Male parent In Sky", "Praise the Saviour Ye Who Know Him", "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today", "At that place…
EASTER CONF 2014 (Part one of 4) – 29 minutes of singing from the after conference home "hymn sing"; "How Great M Art", "Blessed Assurance", "Nearer My God to Thee", "Lord Jesus Chiliad Who Only Art", "My Lord Has Garments So Wondrous Fine", "Come Ye That Dear The Lord", "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Get", "Yard Life of My Life Blessed Saviour", "How Firm a Foundation", "All Hail The Power", "Awake and Sing the Vocal", "He Dies He Dies the…
EASTER CONF 2014 (Part 2 of 4) – xl minutes of singing from the Easter Monday Conference; "Praise To The Lord the Almighty", "Thou Fine art The Everlasting Word", "My Heart is Fixed Eternal God", "Have I An Object Lord Beneath?", "More than Holiness Give Me", "I Once Was Spring in Satan's Chains", "Down From the Splendour of His Everlasting Throne", "Have You Read the Story of the Cross?", "Praise My Soul The Male monarch of Heaven", "'Tis And then Sweetness to Trust in Jesus",…
EASTER CONF 2014 (Function three of 4) – 30 minutes of singing from the Easter Weekend Briefing; "At that place Is A Land of Pure Delight", "Come Let Usa Sing the Vocal of Songs", "Fairest of All the Earth Beside", "May The Mind of Christ My Saviour", "O Blessed Saviour Is Thy Love?", "Thy Grace O Lord that Measured Once the Deep", "O Precious Heavenly Bridegroom", "What Was It O Our God?", "Eternal Dearest Eternal Love". (File size: 25mb)
EASTER CONF 2014 (Function 4 of 4) – 33 minutes of singing from the Easter Weekend Conference; "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth", "I'm Non Ashamed to Own My Lord", "I will Sing the Wondrous Story", "Let Us Sing of the Love of the Lord", "O For A 1000 Tongues", "How Wondrous a Saviour", "Jesus our Lord with What Joy Nosotros Adore Thee", "Low in the Grave He Lay", "Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned", "Holy Holy Holy", "Nosotros'll All Assemble Home in the…
GOSPEL TENT SINGING 2013 – 46 minutes of gospel hymn singing, including "There's A Story Ever New", "I One time Was Leap past Satan's Chains", "Crowned with Thorns Upon the Tree", "Sinner Turn and Come to Jesus", "No Ane Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus", "O Christ in Thee My Soul Hath Institute", "They Nailed My Lord Upon the Tree", "The Cross The Cantankerous the Wondrous Cross", "O Sugariness is the Story of Jesus", "Years I Spent in Vanity and Pride",…
GOSPEL TENT SINGING 2013 – 42 minutes of gospel hymn singing, including "O What Will Yous Exercise with Jesus", "Through My Paw No Nail is Driven", "God is Honey His Give-and-take has Said it", "Down at the Cantankerous Where My Saviour Died", "Volition Your Ballast Concord", "O What a Saviour is Jesus the Lord", "Downward from the Splendour of His Everlasting Throne", "I've a Soul to be Saved", "If I Gained the World Merely Lost the Saviour", "In Loving Kindness…
EASTER CONF 2013 (Part 2 of 2) – 28 minutes of singing from the after-conference home "hymn sing" including; "All Hail the Power", "Take My Life and Let It Be", "A Perfect Path of Purest Grace", "Among the Ransomed Glad and Off-white", "O Christ He is the Fountain", "Abiding O So Wondrous Sweet", "Nearer Notwithstanding Nearer", "When I Survey the Wondrous Cantankerous", "Past Religion the Lamb of God I See", "All the Style My Saviour Leads Me", "The Night Shall Soon…
EASTER CONF 2013 (Part 1 of 2) – 45 minutes of singing from the Easter Briefing meetings including; "Worthy, Worthy, Worthy", "Redeemed How I Dearest to Proclaim Information technology", "At that place Was I Who Was Willing To Die in My Stead", "O How Happy Are They", "Saviour More Than Life to Me", "Lord Jesus Friend Unfailing", "My Lord Has Garments So Wondrous Fine", "Lord To Thee My Heart Ascending", "O Eyes That Are Weary and Hearts That Are Sore", "Must I Go and Empty…
EASTER CONF 2012 – 35 minutes of singing (Part iii) from the after conference home "hymn sing". This is a delightful and spiritual collection of mainly new hymns and tunes for apply at the breaking of bread from "Hymns for Remembrance and Worship" published past John Ritchie Ltd. First lines: "Birthday Lovely Jesus Lord Fine art Thou", "Crowned With Thorns Upon the Tree", "Fairer Than The Fairest", "Our Hearts Are Glad For We Have Seen the Lord", "Forth From Gabbatha Run into…
EASTER CONF 2012 – 45 minutes of singing (Function two) from the Easter Monday Briefing including; "Honey Saviour Thou Fine art Mine", "He Leadeth Me O Blest Thought", "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go", "When Peace Similar A River", "O How Happy Are They", "Saviour Thy Dying Love", "Yesterday Today Forever, Jesus is the Same", "I Must Tell Jesus All of my Trials", "Jesus Our Lord With What Joy We Adore Thee", "Rise My Soul Behold 'Tis Jesus", "My…
EASTER CONF 2012 – 54 minutes of singing (Part 1) from the Sat and Lord's day of the 2012 Easter conference, including: "To God Be The Glory", "I'm Not Ashamed to Own My Lord", "How Great Thou Art", "Nought Have I Gotten", "Gathered to Thy Name Lord Jesus", "Lord We Admire Him Who Came From Thy Side", "Come Let U.s.a. Sing The Song of Songs", "Nosotros Come O God On This Thy 24-hour interval", "Lord E'en To Expiry Thy Love Could Go",…
44 minutes of hymn singing from a ministry weekend in 2011. Includes "The Night is Wearing Fast Abroad", "Come up Ye That Dear the Lord", "He Leadeth Me", "Master Speak Thy Servant Heareth", "Exterior the Army camp", "Trust and Obey", "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", "Something for Thee", "What Was It O Our God?", "On That Most Holy Morning time", "The Lamb of God to Slaughter Led", "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross", "How Great K Art", "Amazing Grace", "Upwardly From…
EASTER CONF 2011 – 26 minutes of singing from a mail service-conference home "hymn sing". Includes "The Erstwhile Rugged Cantankerous", "Great is Thy Faithfulness", "Sweetest Proper noun I Know", "A Mighty Fortress is our God", "Revive Us Again", "And Can Information technology Be", "What a Friend We Have In Jesus", "In God's Green Pastures Feeding", "My Promise is Built", "No One E'er Cared For Me Like Jesus", "Turn Your Optics Upon Jesus", "Crown Him with Many Crowns", "O For a Thousand Tongues to…
EASTER CONF 2011 – 43 minutes of singing from Easter Mon including "Jesus Source of Life Eternal", "Lamb of God our Souls Adore Thee", "My Redeemer O What Beauties", "All Hail the Power", "Have I an Object Lord Beneath?", "O Teach me What it Meaneth", "The Lamb of God for Sinners Died", "If I Gained the World", "We Saw Thee Not When G Didst Come up", "I am So Glad That Jesus Loves Me", "My Rest is in Heaven" and "Praise…
EASTER CONF 2011 – 45 minutes of Easter weekend singing including "Settled Forever", "Lord When I Retrieve Upon the Love", "With Harps and with Vials", "Jesus the Proper name High Over All", "Lord in All Thy Form and Comeliness", "Remembering", "Memorable Morning time", "Thy Grace O Lord that Measured Once the Deep", "Nosotros're Marching to Zion", "Have the Name of Jesus With You lot", "I've Found a Friend", "Saviour More than than Life to Me", "Christ is the Only Saviour", "It's All Taken Away",…
EASTER CONF 2010 – 24 minutes of singing from the mail service-conference dwelling "hymn sing". Includes "When the Curlicue is Called Up Yonder", "I Would Love To Tell You What I Think of Jesus", "I Serve A Risen Saviour", "I Come to The Garden Solitary", "The Love of God is Greater Far", "O Soul Are You Weary and Troubled", "Will Your Anchor Concur in the Storms of Life", "Nearer Still Nearer", "In God's Dark-green Pastures Feeding", "O For A K Tongues…
EASTER CONF 2010 – 38 minutes of Easter weekend singing including "How I Praise Thee Precious Saviour", "I'yard Pressing on the Upwardly Way", "Saviour Through The Desert Lead Us", "When We Walk with the Lord", "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name", "Jesus Thy Name is Honey", "Lamb of God our Souls Admire Thee", "Lord When I Recollect Upon the Love", "I'm Only A Stranger Here", "There's Non Friend Like the Lowly Jesus", "May the Mind of Christ My Saviour",…
EASTER CONF 2010 – 31 mins of Easter Monday singing, including "The Lord's Our Stone in Him We Hide", "To God Be The Glory", "There'due south A Call Comes Ringing", "Sowing the Seed by the Daylight Off-white", "Sing the Wondrous Dearest of Jesus", "I Stand up Amazed in the Presence", "Whoever Receiveth the Crucified Ane", "And Can information technology Be That I Should Gain", "Nought Have I Gotten But What I Received", "Far, Far Abroad In Infidel Darkness Habitation", "I am Thine O…
Function 2 of 2 – EASTER CONF 2009 – 23 minutes of singing from the postal service-conference home "hymn sing". Includes "There is a Name I Love to Hear", "Come Every Soul By Sin Oppressed", "Volition Your Anchor Agree in the Storms of Life", "What a Friend Nosotros Take In Jesus", "I'd Rather have Jesus than Silvery or Aureate", "O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing", "Thine Exist The Celebrity", "All Hail The Power of Jesus Proper noun", "I Will Sing of…
PART 1 of 2 – EASTER CONF 2009 – 40 minutes of singing including "Lord When I Think Upon the Honey", "Fade, Fade Each Earthly Joy", "Amid the Ransomed Glad and Fair", "Thine Exist The Glory", "Face to Face with Christ My Saviour", "I'm Pressing On The Upwardly Way", "Praise the Saviour Ye Who Know Him", "I Was Sinking Deep In Sin", "Jesus The Proper name High Over All", "Come up Let Usa Sing the Song of Songs", "Satisfied with Thee Lord…
27 minutes of hymns sung at Ian Jackson'due south meetings in October 2008. Includes "Come Let Us Sing the Vocal of Songs", "Look ye Saints The Sight is Glorious", "And Is Information technology So We Shall Be Like Thy Son?", "Fairest of All the World Beside", "Glory, Glory Everlasting", "We Saw Thee Not When Chiliad Didst Come", "A Wonderful Saviour is Jesus My Lord", "What Volition It Be To Dwell Above?" and "When This Passing Globe is Done" (File size: 18.7mb)
63 minutes of gospel hymns from gospel meetings in 2007-08. Includes "It's All Taken Away", "Christ Is The Saviour of Sinners", "Come Every Soul By Sin Oppressed", "Down From The Glory", "Downward From The Splendour of His Everlasting Throne", "Requite me a Sight O Saviour", "Jesus Dying on the Tree", "Jesus My Saviour to Bethlehem Came", "O Sweet is the Story of Jesus", "On Calvary's Brow", "Our Sins on Christ Were Laid", "The Lamb of God for Sinners Died", "In that location…
EASTER CONF 2008 – 33 minutes of singing including "How Neat Thou Art", "I Am So Glad that Our Father in Heaven", "O Listen To Our Wondrous Story", "I Have a Shepherd", "In that location is Coming a Day", "Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim Information technology", "Thou Life of my Life Blessed Saviour", "I Take a Friend", "Jesus Thy Dying Love I Own" and "The Crowning Day is Coming".
Source: https://hebrongospelhall.org/sermon-topic/hymn-singing/
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